Blowdown and stand development in a Colorado subalpine forest

Stand development of a subalpine forest in the Colorado Front Range following a ca. 15-ha blowdown was examined by analyzing tree population age structures and radial growth patterns. The stand studied was initiated by a fire at the start of the 18th century and was dominated by a dense population of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) at the time of blowdown in 1973. Before the blowdown, the subcanopy was characterized by abundant subalpine air (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.) and scarce Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii (Parry) Engelm.). Comparison with an adjacent control stand, affected only slightly by the blowdown, indicates that new seedling establishment following the blowdown was slight. Instead, the response was dominated by the release of the subcanopy fir and spruce, resulting in acceleration of the successional replacement of lodgepole pine by these shade-tolerant species. Given the > 300 years required for an old-growth fir and spruce stand to develop following catastrophic fire, the likelihood of a major canopy disturbance in the form of blowdown and (or) lethal insect attack is high and should be explicity incorporated into general explanations of stand development of subalpine forests in the southern Rocky Moutains.