On the Cameron Bands (Π3Σ1) of Carbon Monoxide

The 0-0 and 1-0 Cameron bands of CO are investigated in absorption with high dispersion. Three P, three Q and three R branches are observed for each band. New accurate values for the rotational constants of the ground state of CO are derived: Be=1.9310 cm1, α=0.01744 cm1 and, using Bearden's values for e, h and N, we obtain the moment of inertia Ie=14.456·1040 g cm2, I0=14.521·1040 g cm2, the nuclear distance re=1.127 A, r0=1.129 A. From the way in which the Λ doublets of the aΠ3 state combine with the Σ+1 ground state it can be definitely shown that the upper state of the third positive group of CO (whose lower state is aΠ3) is Σ+3 not Σ3. For the electronic excitation energy of the aΠ3 level a value 48473.7 cm1 is obtained which differs to some extent from the values at present used in the literature.