Pressure Measurements During Formation Fracturing Operations

Published in Petroleum Transactions, AIME, Volume 213, 1958, pages 65–69. Abstract In order to better understand the fracturing process, bottom-hole pressures were measured during a number of typical fracturing operations. A recently developed system was used that allows simultaneous surface recording of both the bottom-hole and wellhead pressures on the same chart. The results from six fracturing treatments are summarized on the basis of the pressure data obtained. Although no complete analysis is attempted, the value of accurate pressure measurements is emphasized. Important characteristics of the bottom-hole pressure record do not appear at the wellhead because of the damping effect of the fluid-filled column. In four of the six treatments described, the formations apparently fractured during the initial surge of pressure with only crude oil in the well. The properties of the fluids used during the treatments are given and the fluid friction losses are obtained directly from the pressure records. This technique is also shown to be adequate for determining when various fluids, used during the process, enter the formation. Introduction Hydraulic fracturing for the purpose of increasing well productivity is now accepted in many areas as a regular completion and workover practice. Numerous articles have appeared in the literature discussing the various techniques and theories of hydraulic fracturing. In general, three basic types of formation fractures are recognized today. These are the horizontal fracture, the vertical fracture, and fractures along natural planes of weakness in the formation. Any one or all three of these fracture types may be present in a fracturing operation. However, with only the wellhead pressure record as a guide, it is difficult at best to determine if the formation actually fractured, and is almost impossible to determine the type of fracture induced. These difficulties arise in part because the wellhead pressure record, especially when fracturing through tubing, does not accurately reflect the pressure variations occurring at the formation. Several factors contribute to this effect and preclude the possibility of using the wellhead pressure as a basis for accurately calculating the bottom-hole pressure.