The rat adrenal medulla consists mainly of low proliferating, highly differentiated parenchymal cells. By immunocytochemical techniques, two types of parenchymal cells can be identified, norepinephrine (NE)- and epinephrine (E)-storing cells. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), a thymidine analogue often used to identify proliferating cells, can also be detected by immunocytochemical techniques. We developed double- and triple-labeling procedure(s) for simultaneous visualization of NE, E, dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH), phenylethanolamine-N methyltransferase (PNMT), and BrdU in rat adrenal medulla. BrdU was administered to 7-week-old Wistar rats by mini-osmotic pumps. Tissues were fixed by perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. By immunocytochemistry, first NE, E, DBH, and/or PNMT was detected by an indirect immunoalkaline phosphatase technique with Fast Red or Fast Blue as substrate. Next, incorporation of BrdU was detected with an indirect immunoperoxidase procedure using diaminobenzidine (DAB). Both NE- and E-storing cells, as well as endothelial cells, can incorporate BrdU, i.e., are able to divide. Occasionally, we also found BrdU-stained mitotic figures in E, PNMT and DBH immunoreactive cells. No BrdU incorporation was found in the post-ganglionic neurons of the adrenal medulla. The procedures described enable a detailed cell kinetic study of the NE- and E-storing cells in the adrenal medulla, particularly in the rat, which can lead to a better understanding of cell renewal in the adrenal medullary tissue under normal and pathological conditions.