Potential Cariogenicity of Lycasin® 80/55 in Comparison to Starch, Sucrose, Xylitol, Sorbitol and L-Sorbose in Rats

Under programmed feeding conditions, the potential cariogenicity of Lycasin® type 55 was tested in comparison to sucrose, uncooked starch, sorbitol, xylitol and L-sorbose. The present study consisted of two experiments with Osborne Mendel rats, inoculated with Streptococcus mutans. In the first experiment, diet SSP, containing 20% of the test products, was given 18 times per day. In the second experiment, these diets were given 14 times per day and alternated with diet SSP containing 20% sucrose and 10% glucose (4 times per day). All meals were well consumed. Health control and post mortem examination showed that nonspecific influences were minimal. In experiment I, the numbers and percentages of S. mutans on the molars in the Lycasin and sorbitol group were of the same level as in the sucrose group. In experiment II, the numbers and percentages of S. mutans were similar in all groups except the L-sorbose group. The caries scores showed that in both experiments Lycasin, xylitol, L-sorbose and uncooked starch were virtually noncariogenic. Sorbitol was less cariogenic than sucrose, but evidently more cariogenic than the other sugar substitutes.