Eight‐year median survival in multiple myeloma after total therapy 2: roles of thalidomide and consolidation chemotherapy in the context of total therapy 1

Summary: In comparison to total therapy 1 (TT1), the phase 3 trial total therapy 2 (TT2) evaluated the benefit of up‐front administration of thalidomide (THAL); TT2 also introduced post‐transplant consolidation chemotherapy. With median follow‐up times of 5 and 12 years, respectively, outcome comparisons were made of 668 patient’s enrolled on TT2 and 231 patients treated on TT1. Complete response (CR) rates were similar at 40% for TT1 and TT2 without THALversus60% on the THAL arm of TT2. CR durations were similar with either TT2 arm and both were superior to results of TT1. Event‐free and overall survivals were extended from 2·6 to 5·7 years, respectively, with TT1 to 4·8 and 8·0 years with TT2. TT2’s major advance vis‐à‐vis TT1 pertained to the subgroup without cytogenetic abnormalities (CA), supporting the role of post‐transplant consolidation therapy, whereas the improved survival of the CA subgroup on the experimentalversuscontrol arm of TT2 attests to the role of THAL in this setting. Adjusting for prognostic variables in multivariate and pair‐mate analyses, TT2 was superior to TT1 in terms of CR duration, event‐free and overall survival. These results provide a basis for the prospective evaluation of the consolidation strategy in a randomized clinical trial design.

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