Karlingia granulata, K. hyalina, and K. spinosa were isolated from soil samples collected in the Amazon Valley in Brazil and grown on various substrata which contain cellulose. They have the same type of development, organization and structure as spp. of Rhizo-phlyctis but differ by the presence of exo- and endo-operculate sporangia. In K. granulata the majority of opercula occur at the apices of the exit papillae, but frequently the tips of the papillae deliquesce and the opercula are formed beneath. In the other spp. the exit papillae always deliquesce and become filled with a plug of hyaline material, while the opercula develop underneath. K. granulata is characterized by spherical zoospores which contain numerous hyaline granules, and by brown, smooth resting spores; K. spinosa is distinguishable by spiny and verrucose resting spores. In K. hyalina, the zoospores contain one large conspicuous hyaline refractive globule. In addition to these 3 spp., K. rosea was found in all soil samples from Brazil. In all spp. except K. spinosa a few polycentric thalli were observed.