Supersymmetric contribution to the electroweakρparameter

Contributions to the electroweak ρ parameter, the ratio of the neutral- and charged-current strengths at zero-momentum transfer, are studied in the minimal extension of the standard model (SM) with softly broken sypersymmetry. The effects of the extended Higgs sector, the gaugino-Higgsino sector, the light-squark-slepton sector and that of the stop-sbottom sector are studied separately, and the role of the custodial SU(2)V symmetry in each sector is clarified. The stop-sbottom sector is found to give potentially a most significant contribution to δρ which can double the standard-model contribution from the top-bottom sector, whereas all the remaining sectors contribute to δρ at the level of at most a few × 103. In the supergravity model with radiative electroweak gauge symmetry breaking there are no extra sources of the SU(2)V breaking at the grand unification scale other than those present already in the SM, and the resulting δρ is found to be significantly smaller than in the general case. Constraints on the allowed range of δρ in the supergravity models are given by taking account of existing and prospective experimental mass limits of additional particles at CERN LEP and Spp¯S and Fermilab Tevatron.