A 34-year-old male with a pituitary adenoma was investigated and demonstrated to have hypersecretion of both gonadotrophins in the basal state. Immunocytochemical staining and electron microscopic examination were positive for tumour cells secreting FSH and LH. Presenting symptoms included visual disturbances, loss of libido, impotence, cold intolerance, frontal headaches, change in skin pigmentation and excessive weight gain. The patient denied alteration in hair distribution, had no acral features, galactorrhoea or gynaecomastia. Surgical extirpation resulted in complete amelioration of his symptoms over a three year follow-up period. Basal and stimulated pituitary function testing results returned to normal post-operatively. A review of the literature documents six other cases of pituitary tumour secreting both LH and FSH in the basal state. More commonly, the pituitary adenoma secretes FSH only. The literature is reviewed with regard to both types of tumour.