1. The water content of Lumbricus terrestris, after keeping on moist filter-paper for 3 or 4 days, is 84.8% of its body weight. That of Allolobophora chlorotica is 80% of its body weight. Both species can survive a loss of 60% of the body weight, but not much more. 2. Earthworms of the species A. chlorotica, A. terrestris f. longa, Dendrobaena subrubicunda, L. rubellus and L. terrestris are all able to survive from 31 to 50 weeks in soil totally submerged beneath aerated water. The same species, and A. caliginosa can survive for 72-137 days in aerated tap water without food. 3. Garden specimens of A. chlorotica make U-shaped burrows in soil beneath water. They do not irrigate either the burrows or glass tubes. Egg-cocoons of A. chlorotica, taken from culture pots of soil, will hatch under water and the young worms will feed and grow though totally immersed.