Morphological variation in isolates assigned to Saprolegnia terrestris Cookson and to a new species, S. australis, is described. These species are separated from each other by the structure and mode of origin of their antheridial hyphae and from other species by their subcentric oospore. When single-spore isolates, one from each species, were grown on hemp seed in liquid media, differences in size of culture vessel, incubation temperature, and age of cultures, but not in the amount of hemp seed added, induced small but sometimes significant changes in the morthology of sex organs. However, induced differences were not of an order to separate isolates at the spccies level, nor did they cover a range as great as the differences among isolates from the same species. The size of oogonia and the corresponding number of oospheres per oogonium tended to increase with increase in incubation temperature and age of culture, and to decrease with an increase in size of culture vessel.

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