Measurement of Daily Environmental Radiation Doses Using Hypersensitive Thermoluminescence Materials

Lower detection limits below 1 µGy have been reported for the hypersensitive thermoluminescence phosphors such as LiF:Mg,P,Cu and a-Al23:C. Considering that usual daily environmental doses are in the range of 1-5 µGy, the CIEMAT Dosimetry Unit has designed an experiment to validate the real capability of these dosemeters to assess extremely low doses in two different environmental situations (indoor, outdoor). Three types of these phosphors (GR-200A) from China, MCP-N from Poland, a-Al2O3:C from Russia) and one electronic dosemeter EPD from Siemens-Plessey have been studied. The experiment consisted of the determination of the integrated dose after exposure periods to environmental radiation range from one day to six months. These measurements were carried out with each one of the systems using a high pressure ionisation chamber as a reference instrument. The results demonstrate that the hypersensitive phosphors are capable of estimating these very low doses in agreement with the active detector.

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