Pancoast tumours: clinical assessment and long-term results of combined radiosurgical treatment

BACKGROUND: Many oncologists have now accepted a combined radiosurgical approach as the treatment of choice in patients with Pancoast tumour but most reports show an incorrect assessment of the disease. METHODS: Stage III lung cancer was classified as Pancoast tumour if the pulmonary extent was limited to the upper apical segment and if at least one of the features of Pancoast syndrome, indicating tumour spread to the para-apical structures, was present. Between 1984 and 1988 15 consecutive patients were treated with primary radiotherapy followed by surgery or with primary excision and subsequent radiotherapy in the absence of an initial histological diagnosis. RESULTS: The mortality of patients given the combined treatment was 6.6% (one death due to pulmonary embolism), and the five year survival rate was 26.6% for all patients and 57% for those who underwent complete resection without N2 disease. Long-term survival was 0% for those cases with incomplete resection, N2 disease, or malignant invasion of the first rib. CONCLUSIONS: Stage III lung cancer, classified as Pancoast tumour according to strict, consistent criteria, is best treated by primary radiotherapy; combined treatment should be used only for patients with potentially resectable cancer without N2 disease and/or malignant invasion of the first rib.