High Dose Urography in Patients with Renal Failure

The new non-ionic contrast medium iohexol 350 mg I/ml was compared with the ionic contrast medium metrizoate 350 mg I/ml in a double blind, two-group urographic study performed on 20 patients with stable, impaired renal function. A dose of contrast medium of 500 mg I/kg body weight was given to each patient. Iohexol resulted in significantly fewer subjective adverse reactions than metrizoate. A similar image quality was obtained with the two contrast media. No clinically significant difference existed between the two contrast media with respect to influence on blood pressure, pulse or clinical chemical parameters. A tendency to deterioration of renal function after urography was found in both groups, but no difference of statistical significance existed between the two contrast media with respect to possible nephrotoxicity. Inadequate hydration may have been partly responsible for the nephrotoxic effect of the urographic procedure.