Myogenic microvascular responses to change of transmural pressure A mathematical approach

The recently described static and dynamic myogenic responses in the sympathectomized skeletal muscle microvessels to a given transmural pressure (PT) change applied at different rates (dPTldt) (Grände & Mellander 1978), were further analysed in this study with a mathematical approach. The hypothesis that myogenic reactions are triggered by and related to wall tension was also tested. The mathematical model was based on a force–equilibrium in the microvessel wall including passive forces related to vascular transmural pressure, elasticity, and wall–viscosity, and active myogenic forces related to wall tension and its rate of change. Great resemblance was demonstrated between microvascular resistance curves obtained with the model and corresponding curves observed in vivo, indicating that the model quite adequately can describe myogenic microvascular resistance responses to transmural pressure stimuli. The results support the myogenic hypothesis in general and, in particular, the concept of an important rate–sensitivity in myogenic microvascular control and are compatible with the view that myogenic reactions are triggered by and related to change of wall tension. The model, in addition, provided data for certain microvascular variables which are difficult to assess by in vivo observations, e.g. Young's modulus of elasticity, wall tension, its rate of change, and internal vessel radius, and it offered a means to define more precisely the role of physical factors like effects of Poiseuille's and Laplace's laws in vascular resistance regulation.