Evaluation of collimation and imaging configuration in scintimammography

Conventional scintimammography (SM) with /sup 99m/Tc sestamibi has been limited to taking a single lateral view of the breast using a parallel-hole high resolution (LEHR) collimator. The collimator is placed close to the breast for best possible spatial resolution. However, the collimator geometry precludes imaging the breast from other views. We evaluated using a pinhole collimator instead of a LEHR collimator in SM for improved spatial resolution and detection efficiency, and to allow additional imaging views. Results from theoretical calculations indicated that pinhole collimators could be designed with higher spatial resolution and detection efficiency than LEHR when imaging small to medium size breasts. The geometrical shape of the pinhole collimator allows imaging of the breasts from both the lateral and craniocaudal views. The dual-view images allow better determination of the location of the tumors within the breast and improved detection of tumors located in the medial region of the breast. A breast model that simulates the shape and composition of the breast and breast tumors with different sizes and locations was added to an existing 3D mathematical cardiac-torso (MCAT) phantom. A cylindrically shaped phantom with 10 cm diameter and spherical inserts with different sizes and /sup 99m/Tc sestamibi uptakes with respect to the background provide physical models of breast with tumors. Simulation studies using the breast and MCAT phantoms and experimental studies using the cylindrical phantom confirmed the utility of the pinhole collimator in SM for improved breast tumor detection.