The correction of dermal loss as occurring in acne and other atrophic scars as well as the cosmetic correction of deep rhytides may be attainable by many techniques. When autologous tissue is desired by the patient or when a larger procedure is not desired then autologous dermal grafting is often a satisfactory solution. Eleven patients had 32 dermal grafts implanted for cutaneous contour defects. Various methods of harvesting and implanting dermal grafts are described. A high-energy short-pulse CO2 laser is used to prepare the donor site. Dermal grafts are an attempt to provide safe autologous and permanent correction for deeper cutaneous contour problems. Most patients achieve adequate correction of their contour defect. Complication rate is low although early in our experience epidermal cyst formation (2/32) and tethering (1/32) were seen. Suggestions for avoidance of these problems are offered. In two grafts resorption or partial resorption was seen. Dermal grafting is a useful adjunctive technique in the management of deeper acne scars, and rhytides. It seems to be a safe reproducible technique that should become part of the dermatologic surgeon's armamentarium.