Alpha-Particle Scattering fromSi28at 21 to 28 MeV

60-point angular distributions for the scattering of α particles to the first four states in Si28 (0+, 2+, 4+, 0+) were measured from 21 to 28 MeV in 125-keV steps. Fluctuations with full width at half maximum of less than 300 keV were observed in all four channels. Compound-nuclear contributions to energy-averaged data have been estimated (20% to the 2+ state, 30% to the 4+ and 04.97+ states) at 25.2, 26.2, and 27.2 MeV. Optical-model fits to the elastic scattering and coupled-channel fits to the 0+, 2+, 4+ states give slightly better agreement with an angular-momentum-dependent absorption. The coupled-channel calculations give an over-all poor reproduction of the and it is not possible to extract a hexadecapole deformation for Si28. The extracted value of the quadrupole deformation parameter is β2=0.26±0.08 while an upper limit can be placed on the hexadecapole deformation parameter |β4|0.1.