Apoptosis of Villous Epithelial Cells and Follicle-Associated Epithelial Cells in Chicken Cecum.

The process of the disappearance of epithelial cells was examined in chicken cecal villi and follicle-associated epithelium (FAE). The apoptotic epithelial cells with intense DNA-fragmentation and their exfoliation were found in the villous tips. The epithelial cells with weak DNA-fragmentation were seen in the upper portion of the villi and their sparse exfoliations were also found there. Numerous epithelial cells in the intestinal lumen expressed the apoptotic features. A row of apoptotic epithelial cells with DNA-fragmentation was also found in the apical FAE, whereas no M cells exhibited any apoptotic signs. In all cecal regions, CD3+, CD8+, and TCR2+ lymphocytes were predominant in the epithelium at the upper portion of the villi and the FAE. CD4+ lymphocytes were mainly seen in the lamina propria. TCR1+ lymphocytes were not abundant in comparison with TCR2+ lymphocytes in the epithelium. TCR3+ T lymphocytes were rarely detected. These results suggest that the chicken cecal epithelial cells exfoliated into the lumen after the induction of the apoptosis, and that the induction may be involved with CD3+, CD8+, and TCR2+ lymphocytes. No death in M cells suggests that M cells may transform into microvillous epithelial cells.