Some points bearing on the Bacteriology of Cerebro-spinal Meningitis

In determining the fermentative powers of this organism both fluid and solid cultures were used. The fluid medium was made up according to the formula employed by Dr M. H. Gordon. It consisted of Lemco ·1 gram, peptone ·1 gram, sodium bicarbonate ·1 gram, 10 per cent. watery solution of litmus 10 c.c., water to 100 c.c. This medium was sterilized by heating under pressure and to it was then added the substance to be investigated in the proportion of 1 per cent. Subsequent sterilisation was effected by heating in the steamer for 10 minutes on three successive days. In the case of laevulose, arabinose, and xylose the flasks were heated over the Bunsen flame, as in the steamer the medium turned red.