Uptake and transient expression of chimeric genes in seed-derived embryos.

Uptake of DNA in dry and viable embryos of wheat by imbibition in DNA solution was detected by monitoring the transient expression of chimeric genes. Gene expression vectors used in this study contained a neomycin phosphotransferase (NPT) II reporter gene fused to various promoters. Some of the chimeric "neo" genes were shown to yield reproducibly NPT II activity in germinating embryos. This NPT II activity was increased markedly when the neo genes were carried by a vector capable of autonomous replication. Dimers of wheat dwarf virus, a monopartite gemini virus, were thus shown to be effective in amplifying the transient expressed NPT II activity in embryos of several cereals. These and other observations indicate that the observed transient expression really results from DNA uptake and expression in plant embryo cells and is not due to contaminating microorganisms.