Antigens on human plasma cells identified by monoclonal antibodies.

Two monoclonal antibodies that define distinct plasma cell-associated antigens, termed PCA-1 and PCA-2, were developed against human plasma cell leukemia cells. These antigens are strongly expressed on human myelomas, plasma cell leukemia, and plasmacytoma tumor cells, but are not detected on other lymphoid malignancies of B, T, null, or myeloid origin. PCA-1 and PCA-2 are not expressed on either normal T or B lymphocytes, but are weakly expressed on granulocytes and monocytes. When pokeweed mitogen is used to induce human B lymphocyte differentiation, PCA-1 is expressed when other B cell determinants are lost and plasmacytoid morphology, intracytoplasmic immunoglobulins, and surface T10 staining characteristic of plasma cells appear. In contrast, PCA-2 cannot be induced and may therefore appear later in the B cell differentiation scheme. These antigens may be of utility for the study and regulation of normal and abnormal plasma cell growth, traffic, and tissue distribution and may aid in understanding heterogeneity within plasma cell dyscrasias.