Effects of shearing time and time of lambing on wool growth and processing characteristics

Wool growth rate, seasonal pattern of fibre diameter, clean fleece weight, quality and the processing characteristics of wool were measured on medium-wool Merino sheep shorn in March (autumn) or October (spring) coupled with March or June lambing. These four management systems were compared under two nutritional regimes in the medium rainfall area of Western Australia. The sheep grazed annual pastures only, or had lupin grain and stubble during summer in addition to the pasture. The study ran for two shearing periods. Time of shearing was the dominant factor. Sheep shorn in March produced 14% more clean wool and fewer tender fleeces than sheep shorn in October. The autumn wool had a lower yield, higher fibre diameter and when processed had a higher card loss, lower percentage noil and lower top and noil yield. However, mean fibre length in the top was substantially higher and the variation in fibre length lower. Vegetable matter was higher in autumn shorn wools. There were some interacting effects of lambing time and type of feed regime. Sheep fed lupins had lower yielding wool but this effect was more pronounced in June lambings and was reflected in differences in top and noil yield. From measurements of wool growth rate, it was found that the extra wool was produced in autumn after shearing, due possibly to stimulated appetite that cannot occur after spring shearing because the sheep are too fat.

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