The theory of Molt ( 1940, 1947) for the oxidation of metals at low temperatures has been discussed and extended to oxides, such as Cu20, for which the metal diffuses through the oxide by the mechanism of vacant lattice points. It is also proved that the logarithmic law will be valid down to very low temperatures and for pressures of oxygen above ∼10-4 mm. Hg., independently of the temperature and the oxide considered. The model of Mott has also been applied to the explanation of the influence of light on the oxidation of aluminium, observed by Cabrera, Terrien and Hamon (1947). The theory agrees with the experimental results and suggests that tile influence will be observable only for frequencies such that, hν>2 eV.; the limiting thickness of the oxide layer increases by a factor (ψ+hν)/ψ under the inltuence of light.

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