Pore size distribution and adsorption selectivity of sepiolite

Micropore distribution and effective size of the channels of natural sepiolite from Turkey were measured by the BET method. Before the BET measurement, the samples were treated under a water vapour atmosphere at various pressures to fill progressively the sepiolite micropores with water. The surface areas measured by means of N2 adsorption decreased with increased vapour pressures of water. The outer surface area was estimated by comparison of the surface area of the vacuum-dried sepiolite with that filled with adsorbed water. The total surface area was ∼290 m2/g, and the outer surface area was 170 m2/g, the difference being attributed to the structural micropores of the sepiolite. The ratio of the surface areas possessed by the channels and that of the outer surface suggest that the mean thickness of the sepiolite fibre was ∼12 nm. The effective size of the channels was estimated from the number of various-sized molecules sorbed by the sepiolite, the results showing that molecules larger than benzene could not migrate into the channels.