Cigarette smoking among San Francisco Hispanics: the role of acculturation and gender.

We conducted a phone survey of 1,669 San Francisco (California, USA) Hispanics ages 15 to 64 years. The age-adjusted overall smoking prevalence was 25.4 per cent (95% CI= 23.3, 27.5) with more men (32.4 per cent) smoking than women (16.8 per cent). Age-adjusted smoking rates were higher among the less acculturated males (37.5 vs 26.7 per cent) and among the more acculturated females (22.6 vs 13.6 per cent). The more acculturated, however, smoked a greater number of cigarettes per day independent of gender. Community-based smoking cessation intervention,s adapted to local conditions, may have a greater potential for success among Hispanics.