Perfusion of isolated tubules of the shark rectal gland. Electrical characteristics and response to hormones.

Both the mammalian thick ascending limb of Henle's loop and the shark rectal gland actively transport Cl against an electrochemical gradient by mechanisms involving hormone-sensitive NaCl transport. In contrast to mammalian renal tubules, individual tubules of the shark rectal gland previously have not been perfused in vitro. Using a combination of renal slice and microdissection techniques we were able to isolate and perfuse single rectal gland tubules without the use of enzyme treatment. Single tubules consistently generated lumen-negative transepithelial voltages (Vt) of -1.8 mV when perfused and bathed with identical shark Ringer's solution. The addition of cyclic AMP, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and adenosine to the bath increased Vt to -7.5, -9.0, and -4.3 mV, respectively (all P less than 0.02 compared with paired controls). Each stimulation could be reversed by addition by furosemide to the bath. The adenosine response was inhibited by theophylline, a specific inhibitor of adenosine receptors. The tubules had a low transepithelial electrical resistance of 12-26 omega X cm2 and exhibited a transepithelial permselectivity for small cations. These results indicate that tubules of the rectal gland can be perfused in vitro and have receptors for VIP and adenosine. Cyclic AMP and secretagogues hyperpolarize the membrane consistent with electrogenic chloride transport, and these effects are reversed by furosemide, an inhibitor of coupled sodium-potassium-chloride co-transport. The response of Vt to cyclic AMP and furosemide, the transepithelial electrical resistance, and the cation selective permeability of tubules are remarkably similar to measurements in perfused mammalian thick ascending limbs.

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