Intragastric device for weight loss

It remains unclear whether or not intragastric devices promote weight loss. To elucidate if an intragastric balloon reduces energy intake by a placebo effect of inducing satiety, five free-feeding dogs had ballons inserted via a gastric cannula. Meal intake was assessed with the balloons inflated to 200 and 500 ml with saline and compared with intake during a control period when the animals maintained stable weight. Average energy intake during the control period was 0.3 MJ/kg/day. Inflation to 200 ml had no significant effect on intake (0.31 MJ/kg/day), whereas inflation to 500 ml significantly reduced energy intake to 0.14 MJ/kg/day (P<0.0001). An intragastric balloon does create, aversion to feeding, presumably by producing satiety, but the effect is volume dependent.