A rapid and sensitive liquid chromatographic method for determination of total vitamin C in foods and beverages is described. Ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid are extracted with sulfuric acid solution, and the dehydroascorbic acid in the extract is reduced to ascorbic acid by dithiothreitol at pH 7. The reduction is complete in 2 min at room temperature. The resulting total ascorbic acid is separated on an anion exclusion/high speed column with 20mM sulfuric acid as eluant and detected amperometrically with a platinum electrode operating at +0.6-0.8 V vs Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Dithiothreitol (retention time, 3.2 min) does not interfere with the separation and detection of ascorbic acid (retention time, 1.3 min). The dehydroascorbic acid content can be estimated as the difference in ascorbic acid content measured with and without reduction by dithiothreitol. The completeness of the reduction was demonstrated by purposely allowing the oxidation of ascorbic acid in the food extract and determining the total vitamin C after reduction. The determinations of vitamin C content in selected foods and beverages were in good agreement with the expected values. Total analysis time for vitamin C is 10 min and the detection limit is 0.1 ng. The method is specific for vitamin C, and interference by other food constituents is minimal.