Kidney Transplantation in Primary Oxalosis: Data From the EDTA Registry

This paper reports the results of 98 first kidney transplantations in patients with oxalosis as the primary renal disease as recorded by the EDTA Registry. There were 79 patients who received a cadaveric (CAD) graft and 15 patients with a living related donor (LRD) graft; the type of donor was not recorded for four patients. Initial graft survival appeared to be better after LRD as compared to CAD grafts but at 3 years the poor survival was similar with 23% for LRD and 17% for CAD grafts. CAD graft survival did not differ between children and adults and was not affected by the waiting time on dialysis. A slight improvement was observed in grafts performed in the years 1983-1986 as compared to grafts performed in earlier years. The causes of failure reported were mainly rejection (33%) and recurrence of primary renal disease (31%). In view of the poor results related to recurrence of oxalosis in the graft, the potential of combined kidney and liver transplantation is discussed.