Joint Real-time Object Detection and Pose Estimation Using Probabilistic Boosting Network

In this paper, we present a learning procedure called probabilistic boosting network (PBN) for joint real-time object detection and pose estimation. Grounded on the law of total probability, PBN integrates evidence from two building blocks, namely a multiclass boosting classifier for pose estimation and a boosted detection cascade for object detection. By inferring the pose parameter, we avoid the exhaustive scanning for the pose, which hampers real time requirement. In addition, we only need one integral image/volume with no need of image/volume rotation. We implement PBN using a graph-structured network that alternates the two tasks of foreground/background discrimination and pose estimation for rejecting negatives as quickly as possible. Compared with previous approaches, we gain accuracy in object localization and pose estimation while noticeably reducing the computation. We invoke PBN to detect the left ventricle from a 3D ultrasound volume, processing about 10 volumes per second, and the left atrium from 2D images in real time.

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