Effect of hydrostatic pressure on Curie temperature in amorphous (Fe1−xNix)90Zr10 alloys

A shift of the Curie temperature (ΔTc) taken place under the hydrostatic pressure (P) up to 12 kbar was measured for amorphous (Fe1−xNix)90‐Zr10 alloys. The Curie temperature (Tc) was determined by the measurement of temperature dependence of initial permeability (μ). The Tc decreased linearly with P in the low pressure region for all of as‐prepared specimens. The dTc/dP took the highest value of −3.8K/kbar for Fe90Zr10 and then rapidly decreased with Ni content, reaching about −0.1 K/kbar at x = 0.9. The curve of dTc/dP−1/Tc was linear for alloys with low Ni contents. This relation was consistent with the theoretical relation by Wohlfarth on the basis of weak itinerant ferromagnetism.

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