The effect of NaCl, KCl and LiCl on the growth and morphogeneis of tissue cultures originating from immature embryos of four wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and one triticale (Triticosecale)varieties was investigated. The morphogenetic pathway to plant regeneration in Chinese Spring wheat was determined as incomplete somatic embryogenesis because the differentiation and subsequent germination of the shoot apices happened in the early phase of embryo development. Culture medium supplemented by NaCl suppressed the differentiation of shoot apices resulting in the development of more typical somatic embryoids. Forty mM concentrations of both NaCl or KCl increased the formation of somatic embryos in Chinese Spring. Arthur and GK Kincso wheat varieties while Lasko triticale regenerated well without the addition. The salts inhibited plantlet formation from somatic embryoids so the salts supplement should be omitted. Forty mM LiCl inhibited growth while 10mM LiCl had no effect on growth or embryogenesis.