Stability of quantum motion and correlation decay

We derive a simple and general relation between the fidelity of quantum motion, characterizing the stability of quantum dynamics with respect to arbitrary static perturbation of the unitary evolution propagator, and the integrated time auto-correlation function of the generator of perturbation. Surprisingly, this relation predicts the slower decay of fidelity the faster the decay of correlations. In particular, for non-ergodic and non-mixing dynamics, where asymptotic decay of correlations is absent, a qualitatively different and faster decay of fidelity is predicted on a timescale ∝ 1/δ as opposed to mixing dynamics where the fidelity is found to decay exponentially on a timescale ∝ 1/δ2, where δ is the strength of perturbation. A detailed discussion of a semiclassical regime of small effective values of Planck constant is given where classical correlation functions can be used to predict quantum fidelity decay. Note that the correct and intuitively expected classical stability behaviour is recovered in the classical limit → 0, as the two limits δ → 0 and → 0 do not commute. In addition, we also discuss non-trivial dependence on the number of degrees of freedom. All the theoretical results are clearly demonstrated numerically on the celebrated example of a quantized kicked top.