Measurement of the Neutron Strength FunctionΓ¯n0Dfor Nuclides with 45 to 75 Nucleons

Neutron transmission measurements have been made on many of the nuclides whose atomic weights lie between 45 and 75. Parameters of individual resonances were deduced for some of these nuclides and for all of them a value of the strength function Γ¯n0D was obtained. The experimental values of the strength function indicate a maximum near A=53. This is consistent with the prediction of the theory of Feshbach, Porter and Weisskopf for a square-well potential with V0=44 Mev, ζ=0.03 and R=(1.26A13+0.7)×1013 cm. The shape of the observed maximum is not in agreement with this simple theory, however, so a discussion is given which compares the present measurements with predictions based on more realistic models of the nucleus.