Triticale is a polyploid produced by doubling the chromosome number of the sterile hybrid that results from a cross between wheat, Triticum aestivum L. em Thell. (group aestivum) or T. turgidum L. (group durum) and rye, Secale cereale L.Hybrids between wheat and rye date back to 1875. The first amphiploid was reported in 1891. Early developed amphiploids involved hexaploid wheat with rye and had 56 somatic chromosomes.Recently there has been more interest in tetraploid wheat ✕ rye amphiploids which have 42 somatic chromosomes. Much effort has been expended toward development of high‐yielding Triticales as a field crop. Marked progress has been made in yield, kernel quality, meiotic stability, better plant type, and other characteristics. However, presently available Triticales cannot compete successfully with wheat in the U. S. Intensified breeding programs based on increased genetic variability in breeding material show promise for further improvement of Triticales.