Cephalic version by postural management for breech presentation

It is possible that maternal posture may influence fetal position. Many postural techniques have been used to promote cephalic version. The objective of this review was to assess the effects of postural management of breech presentation on measures of pregnancy outcome. The Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth trials register and Controlled Trials Register were searched. Date of last search: February 1999. Randomised and quasi-randomised trials comparing postural management with pelvic elevation for breech presentation, with a control group. Eligibility and trial quality were assessed by both reviewers. Three studies involving a total of 192 women were included. Postural management was associated with a non-significant trend towards fewer non-cephalic births (relative risk 0.90, 95% confidence interval 0. 73 to 1.12). No differences were detected for caesarean sections or Apgar scores below seven at one minute. There is not enough evidence to evaluate the use of postural management for breech presentation.