Present information on the physiological effects of sexual reproduction (gametic union) and subsequent development of seeds and fruits is reviewed. Particular emphasis is placed on the alteration in N metabolism and the utilization of carbohydrates during flowering and seed development in certain typical plants. The effects of correlation between reproduction and growth in annuals, biennials, and perennials are emphasized. A discussion is presented and illustrated with 2 figures, of the author''s studies of: (a) Control of growth through sexual reproduction (Lycopersicon and Cleome), (b) influence of embryo development on absorption of soil nutrients (metabolic efficiency) in Lycopersicon, and (c) effects of fruit development on fertility of flowers (Cleome). Conclusions are drawn that sexual reproduction has a marked bearing on growth and development in higher plants and that this effect is brought about largely through the general diversion and local monopoly of certain nitrogenous substances. Suggestions are made as to the possible detailed mechanism of the attendant process.