Comparison of patient and staff assessment of MS patients’ health status

This study compared change scores obtained on patient self-reported symptoms (MS-RS) with the neurological examination of the Kurtzke Functional Systems (FS) and change scores obtained on patient self-reported activities of daily living (ADL-MS) with the neurologist-determined Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) that were obtained from two separate times separated by approximately seven months for 100 patients with multiple sclerosis. Percent agreement based on ≥ 1 unit difference between patient and neurologists’ change scores (Time 2-Time 1) ranged between 73% and 86% for MS-RS and FS measures and was 72% for ADL-MS and EDSS. Together, the ADL and MS-RS patient self-report scales provide health status information from the patient's perspective that can be useful in guiding the physical examination, in making comparisons from visit to visit and/or between visits, in assessing patients’ quality of life, and in increasing patient satisfaction with medical care.