Stages seen in the life-cycle ofDiplocystis tipulaesp.nov. parasitic inTipula paludosaMg., included a structure that was probably a trophozoite within the midgut epithelium of one host larva and gamonts that developed on the midgut wall in the haemocoele of the larvae. Syzygy occurred, usually in pairs, when the gamonts were about 200–300 μm in diameter. Initially, syzygous gamonts were bilobed but they quickly became spherical and were enclosed by a fine membrane to form a gametocyst 450–550 μm in diameter. Early stages of gametogony were seen in one pupa; sporogony occurred in pupae and adults. The mean size of the round–oval oocysts was 7·14 × 6·26 μm. Individuals ofTipula oleraceaL. are also susceptible to infection withD. tipulae. This gregarine is considered to be a new species, independent of the gregarines of the gut lumen.