The diabetic male's perception of erectile dysfunction

One hundred and ninety four diabetic men completed a questionnaire designed to identify their perception of erectile dysfunction (ED). Nine per cent (17/186) of patients defined ED incorrectly. Thirty per cent (54/183) of patients were unaware that ED was a complication of diabetes and 42% (70/165) thought the problem was an inevitable consequence of advancing age. Nearly one half of the patients (47%, 87/188) were unaware that treatment was available for ED. In those patients who were aware of ED as a complication of diabetes or potential treatment for this problem, this information was more likely to have been obtained from sources other than a healthcare professional. Fifty per cent (96/194) of patients suffered from ED; 56% (54/96) of these patients felt the relationship with their partner had suffered as a consequence. Despite the high prevalence of ED and the misconceptions that existed, the questionnaire indicated that there had been little discussion between the patient and the healthcare professional about this problem. As a result of our questionnaire which enhanced the patient's knowledge of ED, the majority (>90%) said they would seek medical advice for the problem if it arose. We have also identified several key areas concerning ED that should be addressed by healthcare professionals involved in both primary and secondarydiabetes care.