Analysis Of Cardiac Motion From Coronary Cineangiograms: Velocity Field Computation And Decomposition

The coronary cineangiograms are used principally to show the coronary circulation (arterial tree morphology, stenosis etc.). However, it has other interesting potentials in relation to cardiac dynamics. Indeed, the coronary arterial tree provides natural landmarks to appraise the epicardial motion with cardiac contraction. This paper presents a new approach to assess epicardial dynamics, locally, using a velocity field description obtained through processing of coronary cineangiographic sequences with an optical flow algorithm. The velocity fields can be visualized by assigning to each pixel of the angiogram the corresponding 2-D velocity vector. In addition, the method allows computation of epicardial translation, rotation and deformation as a function of time, by integrating interframe motion parameters computed from the velocity field sequence. The method is illustrated with a clinical example.

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