Lower extremity isometric joint torque in children with juvenile chronic arthritis

Objective: To determine the intratester reliability of joint torque testing with a hand-held dynamometer (HHD) during contractions of four major lower extremity muscles in children with juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) and to compare results for children with JCA to results for children without disability. Methods: Eleven children with JCA and 14 children with normal musculoskeletal function were tested with a HHD using isometric muscle contractions of the right quadriceps, hamstrings, tibialis anterior and triceps surae. Results: Intratester reliability values exceeded the 0.92 level, regardless of the number of trials, for all motions tested. Statistically lower joint torque values were found in a subgroup of children with JCA for contractions of the tibialis anterior (p = 0.003) and triceps surae (p = 0.05) muscles. Conclusions: HHD offers a reliable means of testing the joint torque generated with contraction of these lower extremity muscles in children with JCA. Findings in children with JCA compared to children without disability agree with previous reports concerning quadriceps muscle function, but also point to concerns for muscles associated with generating ankle joint torque.