Growth and Characterization of Ga[sub x] In[sub 1?x]Sb Solid Solutions Using Temperature-Gradient Zone Melting

Temperature‐gradient zone melting has been utilized to grow a wide range of solid solution compositions of using indium and lead as zone metals. Single crystal growth was accomplished on {111} seed substrates. Migration velocities as large as were observed during indium growth experiments, while velocities as large as were noted during lead growth experiments. All growth runs were performed with the top of the seed substrate at 420°C to provide a reference temperature for the migration experiments. Electron microprobe scans of sections taken along the growth direction have shown gradual increases in the concentration of in growth layers over the first 2 to 3 mm of solid solution growth. There after, uniform compositional growth is indicated. Photomicrographs of growth surfaces have clearly indicated that growth proceeded by a two‐dimensional nucleation mechanism. Etch pit observations taken along the growth direction have indicated noticeable decreases in the dislocation densities of the individual growth layers compared with those in the respective seed substrates.