Observations on the life cycle and habits of Enoclerus lecontei were made in the laboratory and field. The eggs passed through distinctive color changes during their development; these color changes were used to determine their age. The three larval instars were separated on the basis of head capsule width. Larval size varied according to the amount of food consumed. All larvae were orange-red in color, except the third instar which altered to purple 4 to 6 days after moulting. The duration of the respective stadia were first, 8 to 15 days; second, 5 to 8 days; third, 19 to 35 days. At least one mature prey-larva was necessary for development in each instar but up to seven were consumed. The third instar fed for only 4 to 11 days, the remaining time was spent in a highly mobile, non-feeding stage. The pupal stage lasted 9 to 11 days. Adults lived 36 to 114 days and consumed from 44 to 158 bark beetle adults. The sex ratio was 1:1. The mating habits, oviposition behavior and feeding behavior are described.