Excitation functions for the production ofF18andNa24from Al and Si with fast pions

The excitation functions for the pion-induced reactions Al27(π±,xN)18F, Al27(π±,xN)24Na, Si(π±,xN)18F, and Si(π±,xN)24Na have been determined for 50- to 390-MeV π+ and 50- to 500-MeV π−. These excitation functions will enable experimenters to monitor high-intensity pion beams by activation of readily available high-purity Al foils or Si disks. The four excitation functions for F18 production and the two for Na24 production by π+ show similar (3,3) resonance patterns. However, those for Na24 production by π− are strikingly different in that the cross sections remain large from the resonance energy on down. This feature is attributed to increasing contributions from π− absorption and charge exchange with decreasing energy.