Specific gravity of the Longissimus dorsi muscle of the 9-10-11 rib section was determined in order to test the usefulness of specific gravity as an objective measure of marbling. Ether extract was used as the standard by which the validity of this measurement was determined. Correlation coefficients between specific gravity and percent fat, water, protein and grade to the nearest one-third were −.81, 0.74, 0.68 and −.68, respectively. All were highly significant. The regression of percent fat in the rib eye on specific gravity was found to be −413.30, with a standard error of the estimate of 1.20% fat. Thus, for each increase of 0.001 units in specific gravity there was a decrease of 0.41 in percent fat. The high relationship between specific gravity and fat indicates the usefulness of specific gravity as an objective measure of marbling. Furthermore, specific gravity offers the added advantages of ease of determination and of maintainence of the meat in a saleable condition. Copyright © . .