Manifestation of the fragile site Xq27 in fibroblasts

Fibroblasts from a heterozygous carrier for the Martin-Bell syndrome, who manifests the fragile site Xq27, were cloned to separate the population carrying the primary defect on the active X chromosome from the population with this defect on the inactive X. Clones with this defect on the active X manifest the fra(X)(q27) whereas clones from the other population are fra(X)-negative (Steinbach et al. 1983b). In this project, the replication status of the X chromosome manifesting the fra(X)(q27) was studied in seven clones with this defect on the active X. The results obtained on the clones were very similar to the results obtained from uncloned fibroblasts and lymphocytes. In the clones the fragile site was found manifested on the early replicating X in 73 cells and on the late replicating X in four cells. Since the defect is located on the active X chromosome of these cells the manifestation of the fragile site on the late replicating X suggests that the defect and the fragile site cannot be identical. It is concluded that there is no obligate synteny of this defect and the manifested fragile site.