Neonatal subdural hematoma secondary to birth injury

In order to evaluate the treatment and prognosis of subdural hematoma in neonates, we analyzed 48 survivors in the 3-year period January 1979 to December 1981. Based on the CT findings, the hematomas were grouped into four types according to location: type I, localized around the posterior interhemispheral fissure (25 cases, 52%); type II, extending from the posterior interhemispheral fissure to the hemispheric convexity (5 cases, 10%); type III, extending from the incisura to the posterior fossa (15 cases, 31%); and type IV, subdural hematoma accompanied by intracerebral hemorrhage (3 cases, 7%). Intracranial pressure was measured via the anterior fontanel in 13 cases. In 10 cases of extensive hemorrhage, the pressure exceeded 200 mm H2O. The age of the patients was from 0 to 7 days. There were 36 mature (75%) and 12 premature (25%) infants. The mothers were primiparous in 27 cases (56%). Fetal presentation was cephalic in 38 cases (79%), in 10 of which (21%) suction delivery was performed, and breech in 11. The fundus oculi was examined in 32 cases. Retinal hemorrhage was noted in 12 cases; it did not correlate with the type of hematoma or the intracranial pressure. Operations were performed in 13 cases; 1 of type I, 4 of type II, 5 of type III, and 3 of type IV. Functional prognoses were found to be as follows: type I, normal 15, abnormal 4, undetermined 6; type II, normal 4, abnormal 1; type III, normal 13, abnormal 1, undetermined 1; type IV, normal 1, abnormal 2 cases.