In vivo and in vitro activation of macrophages with a cyanine photosensitizing dye, platonin

A cyanine photosensitizing dye, platonin, is a potent macrophage-activating agent. Four days after the administration to mice of small amounts of platonin (20–40 ng/mouse), peritoneal macrophages exhibited greatly enhanced Fc-receptor-mediated phagocytic and superoxide-generating capacities. Much higher doses (more than 3000 ng/mouse) did not have this effect. Photodynamic experiments for macrophage activation were performed by exposing mouse peritoneal cells (mixture of macrophages and B and T lymphocytes) to white fluorenscent light (3 J m−2s−1) in media containing various low concentrations of platonin. A short exposure to white fluorescent light (5 s, 15 J m−2) of peritoneal cells in a medium containing 3 ng platonin/ml produced a maximal level of phagocytic capacity of macrophages. Although platonin absorbs light poorly at wavelengths longer than 630 nm, the region of the spectrum in which the tissues are transparent allows reasonable penetration of light. Thus, we designed experiments in which peritoneal cells were exposed to a red fluorescent light (0.5 J m−2s−1). In a medium containing 10 ng platonin/ml with 15 J m−2 red light, a markedly enhanced ingestion activity of macrophages was observed. Photodynamic treatment of peritoneal macrophages alone did not activate macrophages. Thus, participation of nonadherent cells is required for photodynamic activation of macrophages, implying that a macrophage-activating factor is generated within the nonadherent cells and transmitted to macrophages.